CTN is over, UYHTB is not. — Sean Mahoney

CTN is over, UYHTB is not.

Well, well, well...

I'm currently at Heathrow Terminal 3 listening to that one good Big Sean song (you know the one). Remember in the first blog when I talk about being haps this tour has allowed me to get a plane ticket to go see my girlfriend and mum in New York? Well yeah, we're here. 

Life comes at you fast- as do tours. I wasn't able to keep this blog updated which sucks for me, because I really enjoyed writing what I've been doing, even if it's just for me.

Since the Doorstep festival, I've performed two shows at the Jabberwoky Market in Darlington, two shows at the Strike a Light festival in Gloucester, two shows for the Looping the Loop festival in Ramsgate and Margate, a show at the Mill Arts centre in Banbury, one show for the Out There festival in Great Yarmouth and a show at the Folkestone quarter house. Each location deserves it's own post, they all made me feel welcome in their homes. Tired as I got in the midst of this busy bit of the tour, I was never sad. For almost half a year, this has been my job. Fuck.

Most of these places came with some incredibly inspiring workshops with young people with enough enthusiasm to break a heart. Wish I could say more on it but don't know how to yet.

Now. On to some new matters. CTN portion done, but the run isn't over yet people...

Safe one for the good news Paul

Safe one for the good news Paul

Yes, I'll be at the Stratford Circus in October. The details will be in the UYHTB Tour section of this hear website. I'll be there from the 6 to the 8th and after an exciting meeting with Tom from the SC, should be running a really interesting workshop

I'll also be at the Oxford Playhouse on the 12th of September, and will also be performing in Brighton on the 13th!

Then finally, there's the Unicorn Theatre in January. It's a lot. Very excited to keep this show going and hope to see some friendly faces at the London locations!

There's so much more to say- but this is the important stuff. It comes first.

Gonna try and update with some more talky stuff soon. I have to. I hate dead websites.

Before I go I'll leave you with two things: this podcast I guested on with Mr Gee and Joshua Idehen. Mr Gee is really funny- and Josh has some really dumb views on the film Blade that thankfully didn't make it into the podcast.


The Muddy Feet youtube channel. Peter Hayhoe is one for the most talented poets I know and has started this amazing film company that is managing to put out a new poetry video every week. The quality is ridiculously high. Mixes of live performances and short films, if you want to know how varied and brilliant poetry in England can be, check this channel.

Still got bare time before my flight is called. I'll try to listen to a different song.